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Core or Non-core Club Assets: What is the Difference?

As described in the Club President's last message, our Board proposes to ask members to deem a portion of members' Club assets as 'Non-core'. 


The NSW Registered Clubs Act governs disposal (sale) of Club assets. In essence, all Club assets are deemed as 'Core assets' unless a majority of members have approved designation of the asset as 'Non-core' at a General Meeting. While both Core and Non-core assets may be sold, the process is different. 

If the asset remains Core, disposal must be approved by a majority of members at a General Meeting, and then the asset must be independently valued and sold by public tender or auction presided over by an independent real estate agent or auctioneer. This process usually results in the best possible sale price and that members retain discretion to approve of the sale and the conditions of sale. It also gives the members more control over what happens to the land in the long term.

The implication of members' approval for the Boards request to deem part of the Vincentia Club premises as Non-core, is that the Board then decides how, when, for how much, on what conditions and to whom, those assets are sold. This means that members (as 'owners' of Club assets) are excluded from all of these decisions and must rely on the Board to act in their interest.  

We already know (in relation to the Board's proposed Club Constitution changes, which were fortunately rejected by members at the last AGM) that the Country Club does not always act in members' interest.

We also know that the Board assumes discretion to ignore its commitments to members, as evidenced in its failure to develop the Vincentia Golf Club as promised in the 2016 Amalgamation agreement.

We might also reflect on the fact that since 2021, the Board has refused or ignored repeated written offers by interested members to become meaningfully involved in consideration of decisions regarding the Vincentia premises. 

I must say, I have never been prepared to allow someone else the authority to sell my possessions!

Peter Laver


Friends of Vincentia Golf Club Inc. (FoVGC)


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