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FoVGC Monthly Update - July 2024

Updated: Aug 31

One suggestion from the survey was to create a monthly update to provide factual information on the month's goings on. We hope you find this useful in your one on one discussions with other members and in the community.

·      Oakstand workshops

·      United approach to the Country Club by sub clubs and community groups

·      Requests for information and documentation to enable informed vote

·      MOU dispute letters rejected and then ignored by the Country Club

·      FoVGC Survey shows strong support


The past month has been dominated by discussions with Oakstand on their proposed seniors living development for the Vincentia Golf Club site. At workshops on 11th & 12th July, the scale of the development and its impacts on golfers, residents and the local community were presented and the questions started being asked.  As well as awaiting detailed information from Oakstand, there are many questions of the Country Club that the developer cannot answer.  The CC has not responded to questions posed to them to date.


In early July, the CC initially proposed to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting for members to vote on changing the development footprint from Core land to Non-core “as soon as possible”.   After appeals by Friends of Vincentia, Vincentia golf sub-clubs, Vincentia Residents & Ratepayers Association (VRRA) and Vincentia Matters (VM), the Country Club agreed to delay the EGM 3 weeks to 25th August.


The appeals from the various groups included a request for documentation that is needed in order for members to make an informed decision.  In addition to the specific site layout, revised golf course plans, and Oakstand’s offered price for the land sale, we seek the CC’s strategic plan and business plan that identify where the sale proceeds will be used, what commitments the CC responsible for, and the financial assessment that ensures the viability of the premises & overall Club in the future.  The CC has not responded to this request.


For members to be fully informed, this documentation needs to be available in reasonable time ahead of the vote.  However, it appears there will be very little additional information provided in the next few weeks.


For those interested in more visibility of the developer’s consultation meetings:

·      On 6th June, Oakstand’s CEO David Cullen presented the development concept to two separate meetings with limited attendees (FoVGC+ Vincentia golf sub-club reps, and VM+VRRA reps).  This identified the CC Board’s defined criteria for the proposal, and the initial seniors living concept.

·      Two meetings were held on 26th June at SGB premises for Club members, and at VGC for an open VRRA meeting, which was attended by over a hundred locals with significant questions, including about the Core/non-core vote.

·      Three workshop meetings were held on 11th July (with Vincentia golf sub-club reps, VM+FoVGC reps, VRRA reps).  Followed by engagement with adjoining neighbours on the 12th July.  These discussions highlighted that only a shortened 9 hole course will be available, and design impacts on adjoining neighbours are still being discussed.

·      The final round of workshops is scheduled for 1st-2nd August, with the same groups.  This will be the last opportunity for definition of the development for the Core/Non-core vote.

·      A request has been made to have the “blue zone” area to be physically pegged out so members can see the extent of the proposed site and sale.


Also in the past month, Friends has followed the defined MOU dispute processes and tried to three times to notify a such a dispute. The CC initially responded that they do not recognise FoVGC as a party to the MoU. A second dispute letter signed by VGC Directors who were party to the MOU was also dismissed. A third letter was sent, including a detailed submission of the CC’s breaches in complying with the MoU and a request to meet and discuss the breaches. This follows repeated rebuffed attempts to engage with the CC this year.  The relevance is that after extended neglect of the premises, the only option being considered is a quick sale of this valuable Members’ asset.  It is hoped that constructive discussion with the Country Club may influence the future actions of the Board in a positive way - ideally, leading to SGBCC fulfilling their obligations under the MoU in a meaningful way.


A thanks to all who participated in our FoVGC satisfaction survey. We received over 130 responses with overwhelming positive feedback. There were also a lot of great ideas suggested including the suggestion we provide this Monthly summary of activities. Our full survey responses can be found on website.


Many thanks to Phil Kennedy for his significant contribution to FoVGC.  Phil has stepped away from the committee because he has nominated for a CC Board Position in the upcoming elections.


Finally, our focus for the coming weeks is to seek clear information and commitments about the development, in order for members to make an informed vote, and to press the CC to delay the vote if necessary.


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