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The need to question manufactured logic in latest President's Message

Friends of Vincentia Golf Club Inc's aims and actions continue to be dismissed in the latest Country Club President's Message. Calling people who question the lack of a business case for selling land at Vincentia to a developer “people who suffer from reality denial” does nothing to support the Country Club case. 

The claim that the Board “has enthusiastically embraced the MOU” does not stand up to scrutiny as we can all see how the Vincentia Golf Club premises have been neglected. A number of commitments in the MOU have not been met by the Country Club, and FoVGC have been trying to highlight these using processes described in the MOU. Sadly with no success.

We presume the “detailed sustainability report” referred to is the discredited Tully Heard Report which has serious flaws in financial allocations and ignores key options like the tourism market. FoVGC have tried to meet to discuss financial viability concerns and misallocations of expenses at Vincentia but this has been refused.

The Country Club would like you to focus on
the consultation with the developer
and not the decision making process and manufactured logic that got us here!

The President’s message makes the point that the consultation “is not seeking members approval for a DA”. The situation is not a simple one as you are being led to believe. Under the constitution, the Board needs to act in the best interests of all members and act to meet the objectives of the Country Club.

The developer Oakstand has clearly stated that the area to be developed is yet to be defined and the consultation process will look at concepts - what amenities are needed and what footprint (the “blue zone”) works best for all. However it is proposed that a vote to approve the classification of land from core to non-core will occur before the scope of the development has been decided (in “mid to late July”).

Please attend the Oakstand presentations being held this Wednesday (3pm at SGBCC and the VRRA hosted session at 6pm at Vincentia Golf Club) to see what concepts are being proposed.

You can decide if this is “consultation” as claimed by the President. Will you be voting for a “concept plan” or would you like to be informed about the actual scope and footprint before you vote?

FovGC would like to present a variety of ideas and alternatives to selling Vincentia land. We think our Scenario 9 is a low risk, viable alternative for the Country Club that retains the valuable assets at Vincentia and allows for future growth in a measured strategic way. Consultation becomes very difficult when requests to talk are dismissed. This the opposite approach from “completely open, honest and transparent” behaviour.


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