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Update on legals and GoFundMe

Thank you all for your assistance in establishing a fighting fund for our Club precinct. FOVGC has now engaged the services of a Sydney-based law firm specialising in the Registered Clubs industry and has now obtained extensive legal advice on key matters regarding the current Vincentia Golf Club situation.

Members of the community have also been forthcoming with numerous suggestions regarding VGC and how to manage the many and varied scenarios we are now faced with. These have all been considered and many taken on board. At the same time FOVGC have continued to expand its contacts and knowledge base.

As a result, FOVGC now has a strong understanding of the options available to both FOVGC and the local community so as to be able to move forward and get the best possible result for all Vincentia stakeholders. It is apparent that this current situation is a community issue and FOVGC will continue to seek the support and input from community groups and members on the actions being taken as is appropriate. Unfortunately, it is not appropriate at this time to share legal advice or strategy with the public, in part to protect legal professional privilege on the advice we have received.

Rest assured FOVGC will continue to take such steps within its means that it believes will further the interests of VGC and the local community. Whilst various initiatives are already underway, FOVGC's preference at this stage is to avoid any unnecessary and costly litigation until other reasonable options are exhausted. However, this remains an available option in a number of scenarios and FOVGC will not shy away from taking such action in conjunction with the broader community if the need arises.

While we will not advise actions in advance, we will keep you informed of our initiatives as they are implemented. Hopefully the previously demonstrated intransigence of the Country Club will be positively affected by the recent changes to the Board. If not, combatting the previously stated intent to strip the assets from VGC may well become a relatively expensive legal battle.

Again, thank you to all of our supporters, we appreciate and gain strength from your support.

You can still contribute to FoVGC’s Go Fund Me campaign at 

Please continue to spread the word of this worthy cause.


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